“Remember that you are not alone”
“Each day is the first day of the rest of your life”

A warm welcome!
We are a team of excellent, educated and skilful psychiatrists and psychologists. We have been working for many years and we are still trying hard to improve our knowledge and abilities to bring help for everyone in need. That is why we strongly believe that we are able to help you or the people you care about to solve many difficult problems. We are good at achieving our aims with patients because we are good at making the right diagnosis and discovering the most successful therapy.
Psychiatrist specialist Danuta Markowicz-Deja
Clinical psychologist Ewa Jurewicz
Psychotherapist Wiesław Sapalski
Call us!
Phone: (12) 429 64 14
Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Working hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
9:00AM – 9:00PM
When should you make an appointment?
The answer is quite simple. When you or someone close to you have observed, experienced or faced some problems with: mental health, chronic sorrow, wrong perception of reality, unfounded or exaggerated fear, social contacts, social interaction, emotions, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, eating disorders, sleep disorders, memory and attention disorders. These serious symptoms should never be disregarded. We invite you to contact us! We are able to help you!
“Remember that you are not alone”
“Each day is the first day of the rest of your life”